perediza magazine (print only)
Issue No.2 of perediza covers what we believe is missing in modern media today.
Hard truths,
deconstructing modern society
and its spaces, and asking why questions alongside the how questions.
In this issue, Perediza begins with climate change exhibitions and their meaning and value, followed by a superb interview with the reputable artists Ackroyd & Harvey. Additionally, there is a critical article on trash during the recent Paris protests, featuring engaging photography by photojournalist Ryan Thomas. You will also find an in-depth and beautiful article on regenerative art, along with lovely original paintings by artists Maria Gomes and Safia Nabiyar. Furthermore, there are engaging articles on fashion and how it shapes our identity, as well as how our phones have become an extended part of our bodies. Featuring beautiful art from renowned artist Katerina Belkina. Finally, you can explore philosophical pieces on Murakami and aesthetic theory.
Issue ii is currently available in the following stores & countries:
United Kingdom
6 Chiltern Street, London, W1U 7PT
Rainbow News
63 Golborne Rd, London W10 5NR
4A Haddington Pl, Edinburgh EH7 4AE
Møllegade 10, 2200 København N
Tietgensgade 72, 1704 København V
Store Regnegade 1, 1110 København K
Krukmakargatan 24, 118 51 Stockholm, Sweden
Issue i is currently available in the following stores & countries:
Arnold Busck
Købmagergade 49, 1150 København K
Møllegade 10, 2200 København N
Tietgensgade 72, 1704 København V
Store Regnegade 1, 1110 København K
Pilestræde 65, 1112 København K
Krukmakargatan 24, 118 51 Stockholm, Sweden
United States
New York, NY
788 Woodward Ave, Ridgewood, NY 11385, United States
11 West, 53rd Street, Manhattan, NYC, U.S.
We are in the process of gathering a list of more stockists to make perediza available in-store in various countries. If you are a stockist and are interested in our wholesale price for perediza, please email us at
perediza costs
£ 13.30 POUNDS / 116 DKK (Danish Kroner) which amounts to 15.60 euros.
Our price includes VAT
2.40 pounds
5.25 pounds
8.30 pounds
9.85 pounds
8 pounds